Thursday, December 26, 2013


为了我在确认身份,我在ngacn的帐号是megablue :)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

New version 1.1.3 - All Hearthstone Languages Supported!

Hey guys! I've just added support for all Hearthstone languages. If your friends doesn't read English, please share the awesome stats tracking tool with them!

 Also, I have added a workaround for multi monitors setup! It is kinda straight forward, just override the offsets manually to make HearthTracker check the correct areas (use Diagnostic tool and Visualize now to check).

Some other bugs fixed includes, the arena edit form now allows 12 wins instead of limited at 9 wins.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yup, we made it future proof : )

Well... at least as much as possible to support future releases of Hearthstone. I've just made some minor code changes (and some coordinates in your gameLang xml files) in order for HearthTracker to see correctly in the new version of Hearthstone.

Finally, I am pretty excited about the Hearthstone patch. Besides the new features and changes mentioned in the patch, it has so many subtle but really pleasing improvements! For example, the game resolution automatically changed according to your desktop resolution so that the taskbar doesn't block the game screen (and before you ask, HearthTracker is still able to detect your game resolution correctly even it is not the standard resolution listed in your game)!

Let's have some chat! I would really love to hear from you guys!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sneak Peek

Picture worth a thousand words, they said. Well, I have two pictures that saved me at least two thousands words I think.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Experimental build for OS X

A lot of Mac users has been asking me how to launch HearthTracker under OS X.  I have decided to take a deeper look into that. Since my Mac machine is malfunctioned, I've ran OS X with a virtual machine and took me awhile to figure out a way to pack Java 7 targeted bundle into OS X "executable".  It launches fine, but I am yet to figure out does it actually work because the virtual machine is far too slow to run Hearthstone... so here comes your chance to test it, Mac users!

Without further adieu, I present you the v1.1.1 experimental build 1.

Download HearthTracker v1.1.1 Experimental Build 1

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Quick patch v1.1.1

Just discovered a bug which caused the same arena result to be recorded more than once. Sorry for inconveniences.  Get the latest version at download page.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Major release! Ranked mode supported!

This is one of the major release, notable new features including added support for Ranked, Unranked, Challenge and Practice mode. It also has improved an interface allowing users to browse/edit/delete and create match/arena records. German language is supported as well.

Changelog for v1.1.0
  • German (Deutsch) language supported!
  • Able track all game modes!
  • Browse/edit/delete/create arena and matches records
  • Unveiled the time played for each match!
  • Improved UIs
  • More stats! 
  • Update notification!
Download now!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New version v1.0.7b - Auto Game Resolution Detection

Changelog for v1.0.7b
  • fixed a bug where the app ignores the disabled visualize scanned area.
  • fixed a bug which caused losses to be ignored when the user maximized the Hearthstone window
  • introduced a new feature to automatically detect Hearthstone resolution on Windows which allows non-standard resolution to be scanned regardless of the resolution being listed in HearthTracker or not.

Details of the update:
During the development of HearthTracker, I have noticed Hearthstone client doesn't even have fixed resolutions, whilst the client is able to handle it dynamically. This seems like really important because it seems like the client will scale the images/UI accordingly, by doing so HearthTracker will most probably miss a few things when it tries to scan on non-standard resolutions in windowed mode. With users feedback, this has confirmed my doubts about that.

Therefore, I dive into my code again, make the app detects the resolution and coordinates of the working area better (properly excluding the borders and title bar). The app will now prioritize the auto game resolution detection over the selected game resolution on preferences. It will also scale the target images & coordinates accordingly in order to "see" better.

It is highly recommended that you enable the auto game resolution detection while in the same time,  unless you're using border-less window mode or experiencing issues with the new feature. In the same time, please select the nearest match for the resolution as well so that HearthTracker can fallback into default option when auto detection fails.

Finally, with auto game resolution detection, you should be able to run Hearthstone with any resolution regardless it is being listed in the app preferences or not.

P/S: auto game resolution detection can only work on Windows at this moment, this could change in the future.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Visualize scanned areas

Hey guys! I just made a small update and released the new version v1.0.6b.

I'd included a simple diagnostic tool to indicate the areas that HearthTracker scanning. To use the tool, just go to preferences -> Diagnostics. You will see a few labels, last seen will tell you since when did HearthTracker seen Hearthstone on screen, it will always says 1 minutes ago when the app just started. Last scan area indicate the last screen area that HearthTracker tried to look for. Last scan sub-area indicate the last game UI that HeartTracker tried to look for.

Finally, the most useful function, Visualize scanned area, will try to draw canvas boxes on top of the screen to indicate the very last area(s) that HearthTracker sees. The visualization will be triggered for the first time it sees Hearthstone or when Hearthstone was out of sight for more than 1 minutes and being saw again after that.  You can disable it by un-ticking the checkbox.

And, you can always trigger it manually by pressing Visualize now button. If HearthTracker somehow  failed to recognize the location of the window for various reasons, it will try to see into the default coordinate which is 0,0. Try to press visualize now without Hearthstone running you will get what I mean.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

HearthTracker v1.0.5b released!

Changelog for v1.0.5b

  • Fixed a bug where HearthTracker skips scanning for losses.

Changelog for v1.0.4b

  • Support multiple resolutions! I just spent 10 hours re-wrote a big part of the code responsible for handling image recognition and make it far more flexible to deal with different resolutions.